


标题: Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Program Director, 行为科学

办公地点: 布勒大厅222
电子邮件: stacie@salamzone.com
电话: (269) 471-3293


  • Ph.D. Anthropology, University of Kentucky
  • M.A. Anthropology, University of Kentucky
  • 研究生 Certificate in Gender & Women's Studies, University of Kentucky
  • B.A. Anthropology, Fort Lewis College
  • B.S. 联合学院护理学


I am a cultural anthropologist focusing on intersections of race and gender in the United States and on intersections of community, 考古, 以及约旦的自然保护. I teach courses in anthropology and behavioral sciences for the 社会学院 & 行为科学, the Community and International Development Program, and the J.N. bet365中文荣誉课程. Drawing from a four-field approach to anthropological inquiry, 我从事文化工作, 考古, 语言, and biological scholarship to better understand human beings as wondrously diverse social creatures whose interconnectedness reflects God's image in us. Through my classes students develop the ability to critically examine the contexts that shape diverse human experiences while fostering a sense of wonder for the many social worlds we live in and among.

Current 研究 or Professional Activities


Race, Gender, Care, Belonging, Spirituality, activism, 考古, and conservation


  • 哈特菲尔德,年代. (2022)“你已经是黑人了...": Racially-informed Care and Intersections of Gender for LGBTQ African American Children and Youth in Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州. 近地天体, 14(1).
  • 哈特菲尔德,年代. (2020), Cultural Citizenship and Intersections of Race and Gender for LGBTQ African American Children and Youth. 2020 Conference 研究 Briefs. Adventist Human Subjects 研究 Association, bet365中文, p. 15-19.


  • “是什么让我们成为人类?: Human Distinctness in Anthropological and Theological Perspective." Adventist Theological Society, 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥 (November 14, 2023)
  • "'If God says you’re ok': Rejection and Spiritual Self-determination Among LGBTQ African Americans in Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州." Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Salt Lake City, Utah (October 21, 2023)
  • "Flood Stories Around the World: Oral Histories, Knowledge Production and 信仰." South Pacific Division 信仰 and Science Conference, Surfers Paradise, Australia (July 6, 2023)
  • "Antediluvian 社会 Landscapes: Challenges and Continuities in Human 社会 Life." South Pacific Division 信仰 and Science Conference, Surfers Paradise, Australia (July 5, 2023)
  • "Qualitative 研究 Working Group: Facilitating scholarship through shared writing space." Co-presented with Kristen Witzel. Higher 教育 Adventist Society Conference, Virtual Conference. (2023年6月1日)
  • "'I don’t trust you just yet': White Solidarity and Black LGBTQ Activism in Birmingham, 阿拉巴马州." Michigan Academy of Arts and Letters, bet365中文大学, 密歇根州的贝里恩斯普林斯. (2023年3月17日)
  • "Feedback with a Purpose: A Specifications-Graded Course Built Around a Progressive Writing Assignment." Co-presented with Karl Bailey. bet365中文大学 Teaching and Learning Conference. 在线. 密歇根州的贝里恩斯普林斯. (2023年3月31日)
  • "'Homines Curans' and the Common Good: Rethinking Political, 经济, and Spiritual Approaches to Human 社会 Life." Society of Adventist Philosophers Annual Conference, 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥. (2021年11月)
  • "Laodicea and the American Dream: Wealth, Poverty, and Christianity in the United States." Adventist Theological Society Annual Conference. 德克萨斯州圣安东尼奥. (2021年11月)
  • "Church, Churches, and Being Gay: Finding Belonging for African American LGBTQ Individuals of 信仰". bet365中文研究会议. 密歇根州的贝里恩斯普林斯. (2019)
  • "Don’t Yuck My Yum": Stigma, STI 教育, and LGBTQ Space in a Birmingham Middle School". American Anthropological Association – Anthropology of Children and Youth Interest Group Biennial Meeting. 卡姆登,新泽西. (2019)
  • "Locating African American LGBTQ Youth: Citizenship and Belonging in Birmingham 阿拉巴马州". American Anthropological Association Annual Meetings. 圣何塞,加利福尼亚. (2018)
  • "社会 Belonging and Cultural Citizenship for African American LGBTQ youth in Birmingham 阿拉巴马州: A Dialectical Approach to Methodology". 安德鲁研究会议. 密歇根州的贝里恩斯普林斯.
  • "Morality, the Free Market, and Affordable Care". Society of Adventist Philosophers Annual Meeting. 马萨诸塞州的波士顿. (2017)
  • "Ethnocentrisms of the State, Youth Sexuality, and HIV Prevention". Southern Anthropological Society Annual Meeting. 卡罗敦,格鲁吉亚. (2017)
  • "Youth Culture and HIV Prevention: Developing a qualitative study of youth and HIV prevention in the Southeastern United States" bet365中文研究会议. 密歇根州的贝里恩斯普林斯. (2016)
  • "Marriage: Spiritual Insights from an Anthropological Perspective" Adventist Theological Society Professional Meetings. 亚特兰大,乔治亚州.(2015)
  • "The Origins of Human Culture: Anthropology as a Bible Based Curriculum" International Conference on the Bible and Science. 课程圆桌会议. 信仰 & 科学委员会. St. 乔治,犹他州. (2014)
  • "Determinants of Cultural Sensitivity in Middle School 学生" Senior Seminar 研究 Project. Fort Lewis College Symposium of Natural and 行为科学. 杜兰戈州,科罗拉多州. (2009)