Art, History, Music, Philosophy & 政治科学

The follow online classes, managed by the 学院的 远程教育, are offered in interactive online asynchronous and self-paced 格式.

学分: 3

描述: Presents the elements of visual language and studies them in relationship to images of famous paintings, 雕塑, and contemporary advertisements. Does not duplicate an art history course.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901); Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: Survey of the development of major world civilizations to the eighteenth century, including the origins and history of ideas, 世界观, and 机构s (Stoicism, 印度教, 天主教, 等.), with an emphasis on the interaction of cultures in the premodern world.

Format(s) Available: Interactive Online (section 999), Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: Survey of the development of world civilizations from the eighteenth century, including the origins and history of ideas, 世界观, and 机构s (nationalism, 反犹太主义, 种族歧视, 多元文化主义, 等.), with emphasis on cultural diversity and interaction and their meaning in the modern and post-modern world.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: A study of the rise and development of the United States from European contact with the Americas through the Civil War. Emphasis placed on cultural, 宗教, 少数民族, and other social issues as well as politics, 经济学, and foreign relations.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: A study of the development of the United States from Reconstruction to the present. Emphasis placed on cultural, 宗教, 少数民族, and other social issues as well as politics, 经济学, and foreign relations.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: Surveys the internal and external developments and conflicts which Christianity has experienced from the time of Christ up to the Reformation. Special attention given to those developments that relate to Seventh-day Adventist theological heritage.  

先决条件: HIST 117 or permission of instructor. Not applicable to the General 教育 requiremnts in religion nor a major in religion. 
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: Surveys the history of the church from the Protestant Reformation to the current time. Special attention is given to the Protestant Reformation,  the Catholic counter-reformation, 清教主义, 理性主义, 福音派的教义, the rise of modern denominations, and worldwide mission expansion and ecumenism.

先决条件: HIST 118 or permission of instructor
Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: A study of the background and development of the Seventh-day Adventist denomination from its beginnings in the Millerite Movement to its present global impact.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: An opportunity to acquire a better appreciation of classical music —to discover how church music, 民歌, 爵士乐, 灵歌, 福音, 摇滚, and pop music fit into the broad spectrum of classical music from 1000 A.D. 直到今天.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901); Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: A study of American political 机构s and behavior, primarily on the national level. May be applied to the history major.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are similar

学分: 3

描述: An introduction to basic philosophical issues, including the relationship of faith and reason, 认识论, the mind-body problem, determinism and free will, 和道德.

Format(s) Available: Self-Paced Open Learning (section 901), Interactive Term-based (section 999)
成本: online campus tuition主校区学费, (additional costs for books and 费用)
技术要求: 最新版本 or Mozilla 浏览器.  Check computer requirements.

Sample syllabus: others are simliar