Silmara 费雷拉

费雷拉 has worked at Andrews University for 16 years. 她目前的职位是国际学生服务部副主任 & 项目. She directs programs that assist international students, exchange students and their families with personal, academic and immigration-related concerns. 她还通过在多个领域提供支持,为大学部门和校外实体的国际学生和学者提供主要支持, including but not limited to cultural differences, language barriers, academic progress, conflict resolution and employment requirements and processes.


我参与了许多不同的活动,以帮助国际学生感到受欢迎和bet365中文大学的一部分, such as the Welcome New International 学生 Program. Along with some student volunteers and staff, we organize airport pickup, welcome baskets and a bedding package (pillows, 毯子, 床单和浴巾)放置在宿舍或大学公寓为到达的学生.

Another project I am involved with is “God’s Closet.“这个项目为来自热带国家并在冬天到达这里的国际学生提供冬季衣物捐赠. We have helped many students and their families through this program. 我们做了很多其他的事情来帮助国际学生适应这里的生活, overcome homesickness and feel part of this University family. These include place cultural night events, international student worship, Thanksgiving banquet, Christmas banquet and one of the most important events, the International Sabbath celebration!

How did you get into this work/activity/project/etc.?

与国际学生一起工作的愿望来自我作为一名国际学生的个人经历. 我作为一名国际学生来到内布拉斯加州的联合学院,当我第一次访问bet365中文大学时,与国际学生一起工作的愿望在我心中变得非常强烈. 我知道像我这样的国际学生会从一些简单的信息中获益良多,这些信息对他们在没有太多压力的情况下建立自己的地位至关重要. This information would be obvious for those used to the system, 但对于一个离开了自己的国家和文化的人来说,这就不那么明显了.

了解国际学生来到这里所经历的一切,以及他们到达后所面临的其他困难,激励我与国际学生办公室一起开发和协调项目 & 项目 team.

上帝是如此的好,给了我这个机会,以任何可能的方式服务和帮助国际学生. I remember helping one particular family of four. 我亲自去机场接他们(当时我们还没有机场接机计划)。, drove them around in my van to look for a house to rent, 带他们去南本德买床垫(把床垫绑在我的货车顶上,把他们带回贝里恩斯普林斯), and today I see them thriving and almost done with PhD studies.

Because of situations like that, 我们决定创建项目正式欢迎学生,并为他们每个人提供他们需要的关注和支持,以便在bet365中文大学取得成功

How have you been changed by this?

我在bet365中文大学与学生们一起工作的经历教会了我一个简单而深刻的教训:我们都希望被爱, respected and cared for. No matter what financial status, kind of family, cultural background or worldview, 归根结底就是耶稣吩咐我们要做的——彼此相爱,如同爱自己一样.

I view my job as a ministry. 我喜欢能够在学生谈论他们的个人困难时就移民问题提供建议, I have an opportunity to pray with them. There is no greater reward for me than to see tears turning into smiles, frowning faces turning into happy faces, and disbelief into faith. 接纳学生并爱他们,这是我在bet365中文大学生活中最具影响力的方面.

How have you changed others?

Being born and raised in Sao Paulo, 巴西, my first passion, while I was pursuing my master’s degree at Andrews, was to make Andrews University known in 巴西. 圣保罗有很多教会机构,我希望他们能有和我在这所特权大学学习一样的机会. 因此, I started my path to offer Andrews English programs to the division, 工会, 使行政人员和牧师能够学习和精通英语,以便在总会大会的会议上更好地沟通. 第一批参加这个项目的牧师中有一位精通英语,现在在GC服侍全球教会.

I have seen lives changed! 我曾见过一个学生,他不是基督徒,经过了许多圣经学习, she accepted Jesus as her Savior.

有很多学生回来对我说谢谢,告诉我我给他们的生活带来了多大的改变, not even knowing I was making that impact. I was just being kind. 最近的一个故事是一个学生,她在bet365中文大学期间一直不太确定毕业后要做什么. Every time she would come to my office, 我们讨论了她的选择,并给了她鼓励的话, we prayed together. This happened until her graduation last semester. 她有机会在bet365中文大学进行OPT(可选实习培训). 她又一次来到我的办公室,非常不确定她是否能得到这份工作. 我们又一次积极地谈论上帝是如何引导她来到这里的,然后我们又一次祈祷.


Dear Silmara,
我不知道如何表达我对您的感激之情,感谢您迄今为我所做的一切,尤其感谢您在我学业上受到挑战时的祈祷和指导, financially and spiritually. 借着神的恩典和你们祷告的支持,他为我打开了在bet365中文大学工作的道路.

她的话让我非常感动,因为我只是做了我喜欢做的事,以这种身份服务. 带给她一种安全感和一颗感恩之心的美丽微笑,比这个世界能提供的任何东西都更能打动我的心.

Somehow, I contributed to changing a small part of her world. 我非常赞同安妮·弗兰克(Anne Frank)的一句话:“没有人需要在开始改善世界之前等待一个时刻,这是多么美妙。.”