If technological innovation excites you, consider putting that love of tech to good use with a degree in information systems. You'll help businesses use the latest hardware and software to organize and retrieve their information securely and conveniently.

Why Information Systems at Andrews

Careers in Information Systems

Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst Network Engineer Network Administrator Software Engineer Systems Analyst Systems Designer Database Manager Interface Specialist Information Officer Information Security Analyst
As technology becomes an increasingly integral part of the day-to-day operation of business everywhere, companies are demanding more and more knowledgeable information systems professionals who can bridge the gap between tech and people. Prepare for a career as a programmer, business analyst, systems analyst or systems designer with an Information Systems degree from Andrews. This career path can eventually lead to a role in strategic planning as a company's Chief Information Officer (CIO).

Annual Salaries

Computer Systems Analyst
Database Administrator

U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, 2021

Successful Andrews Alumni

Trevor Dennis, Systems Engineer
Cerner Corporation
Nicholas Paz, Software Support Engineer
Integra Group
Michael Aldrich, Intermediate Business Intelligence Analyst
Adventist Health Systems

Dig Deeper. Learn More.

Learn more - Information Systems

Explore information systems principles in classes like Database Systems Design & Development, Business Programming, and Business Systems Analysis & Design. A favorite class among our students is Information Technology Hardware and Software, where they learn how to build their own computers staying within a given budget. Students also build and program robotic cars which then compete on an obstacle course. Sound like fun? Ask us about obtaining a degree in information systems! Contact us directly at studysba@salamzone.com to learn more!