
When you applied to become a student you were told how the University would use your personal information to process your application and for related purposes (see link to Privacy Statement for Applicants). You were referred to this webpage for a fuller statement of the uses we make of your personal information while you are a student at bet365中文大学. 除了这里发布的信息, 当你使用大学提供的特定服务和设施时, 您将被告知您的个人信息的任何其他用途. 例如, there are separate statements for students who engage with the 咨询 and 测试中心 or Student Success, and individual Departments may supplement this webpage with more specific information for their students.
此处发布的信息适用于使用, sharing and disclosure of your personal information by bet365中文大学 including its departments in both the academic and financial realm. The University works together closely and shares your personal information for a variety of academic, 按照商定的议定书,用于行政和统计目的.
大学会保存你在申请表上提供的详细资料, any supporting documents requested as part of your admission and additional details provided by recommendations. 我们还将收集和保存你在bet365中文大学学习的记录, 以及您使用学术和非学术服务的情况(财务, 学生生活). 所收集的个人资料包括以下资料:
  • 入学/FAFSA/注册中心:姓名, 本地和家庭地址, 电话号码, 电子邮件地址, 社会保险号, 紧急联系人, 出生日期, 婚姻状况, 种族/民族, 性别M
  • 学术:学习计划,成绩
  • 财务:收入,税务信息,个人财务,付款
您的个人信息被创建, 以各种纸张和电子格式安全地存储和传输, including databases that are shared within the University (such as the main student records database Banner, Griggs SIS, 学习中心, CBORD, Ellucian分析, CRM, 中央应用系统, 复临信徒注册协会通用申请, 提倡, 校园安全(停车), Virtuagym, 达拉, 图书馆系统). Access to your personal information is limited to University employees who have a legitimate interest in it for the purpose of carrying out their contractual duties (refer to FERPA statement), 我们不会过度使用您的个人信息.

除此之外, the University may process some information about you that is classed as ‘sensitive’ or ‘special category’ personal data, 这需要额外的保护. 这包括关于你的种族的信息, 性取向, 我们用于规划和监测目的的宗教信仰或健康/残疾信息, 或者是为了提供照顾, 帮助或适当的调整. 对于某些课程的学习, 可能会处理其他敏感信息, 比如过去的犯罪记录, 与儿童或脆弱的成年人一起工作, 以及你是否适合从事某些受监管的职业. 访问和分享您的“敏感”个人数据受到非常严格的控制. You will normally be given further details about our use of any such data when we collect it from you.
大学将处理您的个人信息用于一系列合同, 法定或公共利益目的, 包括以下内容:
  • 提供和管理你的教育, 记录你的学习细节,确定/确认你的学业成绩(例如.g. 授予学位(荣誉).
  • 在相关的情况下,监督、评估和支持你的研究活动.
  • To administer the financial aspects of your relationship with us, any sponsors, and organizations.
  • 为您提供资讯科技服务.
  • 为您提供设施和服务(e).g. 体育,图书馆,住宿,职业).
  • 使您能够参与活动(例如.g. 社会活动、课外活动、毕业典礼).
  • 通过邮件与您进行有效的沟通, 电子邮件, 短信和电话, 包括相关通讯和社交媒体的分发.
  • 操作保安(包括视频监控), 治理, 纪律处分(包括抄袭及学术不端行为), 投诉, 审核和质量保证程序和安排.
  • 支持您的培训、医疗、安全、福利和宗教需求.
  • To compile statistics and conduct surveys and research for internal and statutory reporting purposes.
  • To fulfill and monitor our responsibilities under applicable federal and state regulations including immigration and public safety legislation.
  • To enable us to contact others in the event of an emergency (we will assume that you have checked with the individuals before you supply their contact details to us).
We consider the processing of your personal information for these purposes to be either necessary for the performance of our contractual obligations with you (e.g. 管理你的教育, 学生在bet365中文大学学习期间的经历和幸福感), 或履行法律义务所必需的.g. visa monitoring), or necessary for the performance of tasks we carry out in the public interest (e.g. 教学及研究), or necessary for the pursuit of the legitimate interests of the University or an external organization (e.g. 使您能够访问外部服务). We require you to provide us with any information we reasonably ask for to enable us to administer your student record. 如果我们需要您同意使用您的个人信息, 我们会在适当的时间收取,您也可以随时取款. 我们在哪里要求提供敏感信息, 比如关于你的种族, 性取向, 宗教信仰或健康/残疾, 您通常可以选择不提供您的同意. We will not use your personal information to carry out any wholly automated decision-making that affects you.
如上所述, your personal information is shared with relevant employees at bet365中文大学 as required. 除了, 在法律允许或要求的情况下共享, 在经过深思熟虑和保密的基础上, 与一系列外部组织合作, 包括以下内容:
  • 你的捐赠者和/或赞助商.
  • The providers of any external/collaborative learning and training placements or fieldwork opportunities.
  • 外部审查员和评估员, 以及参与大学相关委员会或程序的外部人士.
  • 有关政府部门(e.g. 教育部、密歇根州、卫生部、美国移民局).
  • 任何相关的专业或法定监管机构(例如.g. 全国学生参与调查.
  • 相关的大学学生俱乐部,以方便您成为这些机构的成员.
  • 在必要的情况下,警察和其他执法机构.
  • 必要时,审核员.
  • 提供特定服务的公司或组织, 或代表, 大学及/或其院系之一.
我们通常会向第三方提供验证. 您的姓名和授予的学位类型将在相关的毕业计划中公布.

bet365中文大学 has the right to disclose “directory information” without the written consent of the student, unless the student has informed the University Registrar in writing of his/her refusal to permit the dissemination of directory information. “要求保密”可以在学术记录办公室获得. 学校指定以下信息为“目录信息”:名称, 本地地址, 本地电话号码, bet365中文大学电子邮件地址, 性别, 婚姻状况, 家乡, 出生日期和地点, 学校, 学术课程(学位), 主修及副修), 注册状态, 职位地位/分类(i.e., 大一新生, 二年级学生, 初级, 大四或研究生), 参加官方认可的活动, 出席日期, 度(s), 荣誉、奖项和照片. 甚至在目录信息可能被发布的地方, bet365中文大学保留向第三方隐瞒此类信息的权利.

除了, bet365中文大学可以转发教育记录, 未经学生同意, to 学校 officials of other 机构s of postsecondary education at which the student seeks or intends to enroll, 或者他/她已经注册的学校, so long as the disclosure is requested for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer. 欲了解更多信息,请访问大学FERPA网站 www.bet365中文.edu/go/ferpa. 除上文所列以外, we will not normally publish or disclose any personal information about you to other external entities or organizations unless you have requested it or consented to it, 或者除非这样做符合你的切身利益(e).g. 在紧急情况下).
After you graduate your academic record is retained indefinitely so that the details of your academic achievements can be confirmed and for statistical or historical research. Your contact information is available to the Development and 校友 Offices while you are still a student so that you can be added to the alumni database. A statement for alumni and donors setting out how their personal information is used by the University is published at http://www.bet365中文.edu/services/its/data-privacy/alumni-donor.html; you will receive more details at the appropriate time.
You have the right to access the personal information that is held about you by the University. 详情请见__________.

You also have the right to ask us to correct any inaccurate personal information we hold about you, 删除个人信息, or otherwise restrict/object to processing (including the receipt of direct marketing) or to receive an electronic copy of the personal information you provided to us. 请注意,所有这些权利都有不同的限定方式.
You have the right to access the personal information that is held about you by the University. 详情请见__________.

We store your personal information as part of your student record for the duration of your studies (and it may be used as part of our assessment of any future application you make for further studies at bet365中文大学). Information about how long different types of information are retained by the University is published at http://belltower.salamzone.com/services/archives/schedules/general/2019-02-14-general-rrs.pdf.
