
沟通 is all about creating, shaping and delivering meaningful messages.

沟通专业的学士学位对你选择更广泛的职业是非常有用的, including being a political aide, 公共关系 manager, 脱口秀主持人, sales representative, 平面设计师, 摄影记者, 市场研究, 摄影师, corporate communication manager, 文字编辑, 生产商, 杂志编辑, 播客, 社交媒体 manager, and marketing/advertising manager. 

本科 度

We offer an education that meets your specific interests and goals. 将你的传播学与辅修或数字媒体或公共关系相结合. Our undergraduate degrees are also the perfect springboard to graduate school. 




BS in Digial 沟通 (emphasis in 数字媒体)


数字通信(数字媒体)学士学位是为那些寻求为令人兴奋的媒体世界创造内容的个人提供的. 这门引人入胜的课程允许学生在电影领域的经验教师的指导下学习媒体和内容制作的原理, 电视, 摄影, 平面设计, 社交媒体, Journalism and Podcasting. 数字通信学位为学生加入任何具有多种创造性技能的通信或媒体实体做好准备, highly desired in today’s workforce. 学生们最终还会制作真实的作品,在毕业时展示自己的才能. 学校还鼓励学生参加实习,这大大增加了毕业后立即就业的可能性.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church provides opportunities for qualified digital media professionals to serve in many of their production entities worldwide; in educational environments; and supporting non-profits and independent ministries. 个人可以用他们的技能创造内容,帮助福音事工在世界各地传播.

Careers in 数字媒体 may be found in television broadcasting, 视频制作, 社交媒体, podcasting and internet broadcasting. 现在,技术允许许多人在不使用数百万美元的设备和工作室的情况下创作内容. Producing and directing are not the only jobs one can do with a digital media degree, there are a variety of other positions available, including video editor, 播客, 社交媒体 manager, writer and content creator.






媒体写作推荐给那些希望为快节奏的新闻和出版世界开发内容的人. This diverse course of study allows the student to study writing for news, on-line and print publications, as well as 社交媒体. 媒体写作学位为学生加入一个组织作为一名入门级作家做好准备,并有可能晋升到编辑职位.


基督复临安息日会与合格的写作专业人士合作,为教育服务, ministerial administration, and independent ministries. Whether you are a woman or man, opportunities are available, but competitive. 也, 非营利部门为那些希望将写作专长与人道主义服务相结合的专业人士提供工作.


Writers and authors develop written content for various types of media, including advertisements; books; magazines; movie, 玩, and television scripts; and blogs. 就业 of writers and authors is projected to grow by 8 percent.

Median Salary for 2016:                            $60,000
Number of jobs available in 2016:         131,200

来源: Bureau of Labor Statistics


公共关系: BS/BA


对于那些希望管理组织或个人沟通职能的人,建议选择公共关系专业. This diverse degree requires students to study writing, 媒体关系, 社交媒体, 解决问题, 设计, 以及视觉艺术. A degree in 公共关系 prepares the student to join an organization as an entry-level, skilled practitioner with potential for advancement into management.


基督复临安息日会(Seventh-day Adventist Church)正迅速接纳合格的公共关系专业人士为教育服务, ministerial administration, and independent ministries. Whether you are a woman or man, opportunities are available. 也, 非营利部门为那些希望将公共关系实践与人道主义服务相结合的专业人士提供了许多工作.


就业 of 公共关系 specialists is projected to grow 9 percent from 2016 to 2026. 企业维护其公众形象的需求将继续推动就业增长. 候选人在广告和公关公司以及有大量媒体曝光的组织工作时将面临激烈的竞争.



文学硕士是为希望发展高级技能和扩大交流知识基础的学生设计的. 另外, 它还让学生选择一个特定的专注领域,专注于他们的研究,并将感兴趣的领域与更广泛的通信领域联系起来.

我们努力为基督复临安息日会和基督教传播者提供最好的研究生教育. 我们扩大的部门包括更多的课程选择,这将改善和加强您的定制学位课程.


  1. Baccalaureate degree: A four-year degree from an accredited United States 机构, or its equivalent from an 机构 outside the U.S.
  2. 本科 GPA: Minimum GPA of 2.75
  3. Recommendations from the church board where the applicant is a member; college teacher/advisor, and church administrator, pastor or recent employer.
  4. 本科 coursework: 12 semester credits in communication and/or related areas
  5. 其他:
    • Satisfy the admission requirements of the School of 研究生 Studies
    • Present a resume of current experience
    • 提交一份目的陈述,说明如何整合相关学科以实现其职业和学术目标
    • Complete any deficiencies at the beginning of the program



TOEFL (ITP) paper-based—composite score of 600, with no component score lower than 55. An additional written essay exam is required with a minimum score of 80, and an additional speaking evaluation with a score of not less than 3.

TOEFL internet-based (iBT)—composite score of 100, 在阅读 and Listening component scores of at least 15, Writing component score of at least 17, and Speaking component score of at least 18.

MELAB—composite score of 84 with no component score lower than 80.

IELTS—[Academic] composite score of 7, 在阅读, Listening and Speaking component scores of at least 6, and a Writing component score of at least 5.

PTE—PTE [Academic] composite score of 68, with no component score lower than 48.

The exam must be taken within two years prior to enrollment. 成绩低于这些水平的学生可以通过在bet365中文参加强化英语课程(ENSL)来完成语言要求. 托福ITP成绩在575-599分(或其他四门考试中的同等成绩)的学生可能有资格参加语言桥课程,该课程允许学生在完成强化英语课程的语言能力要求的同时,参加有限数量的学位课程课程.

Exceptions to these requirements may be granted by the 部门 Visual Art, 沟通 & 设计 on an individual basis.

Desrene Vernon-Brebnor, PhD
研究生 Program Director
Main 电话: (269) 471-6314
Direct 电话: (269) 471-6468
部门电子邮件: commdept@salamzone.com
直接电子邮件: desrene@salamzone.com


双学位- MDiv & MA

bet365中文大学选择在基督复临安息日会神学院的神学硕士和视觉艺术系之间建立一个合作项目, 沟通 & 设计 in the College of Arts & 科学. 学生 can potentially complete the two degrees in less than 3½ years; 2 years in the Theological Seminary and 1 to 1½ years in the 部门 Visual Art, 沟通 & 设计.

这个学位将为MDiv的学生准备在沟通方面的职业服务,特别是, media-related communication—intersects with the pastoral mission of the church. 今天的牧师面临的挑战是在不断扩大的领域里服事和服侍日益多样化的受众群体, 能够通过各种媒介有效地做到这一点变得比以往任何时候都更加重要. 同样的, 了解沟通的方式和原因,以及在讲坛之外的各个层面上成为一名有效的沟通者所需要的条件,是有好处的. 此外, this collaboration allows for widened employment opportunities including television and radio, 公共关系, corporate communication and more.
