物理 is the scientific study of matter and energy and how they interact with each other.

This energy can take the form of motion, light, electricity, radiation, gravity . . . 老实说,什么都可以. 物理 deals with matter on scales ranging from sub-atomic particles (i.e. the particles that make up the atom and the particles that make up those particles) to stars and even entire galaxies.

In a broader sense, physics can be seen as the most fundamental of the natural sciences. 化学, 例如, can be viewed as a complex application of physics, as it focuses on the interaction of energy and matter in chemical systems. 我们也知道生物学是, 在它的核心, an application of chemical properties in living things, 这意味着它也是, 最终, 受物理定律支配.


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Andrews Receives National 科学 Foundation Grant

The National 科学 Foundation (NSF) has awarded over $550,000 to a new collaborative project between bet365中文大学’s Department... read more >

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